The Jennis hormonal health platform uses the very latest women's health science to help women understand their body and hormones in a way we've never been taught before.
We work with businesses and individuals to share expert insights and education, plus amazing fitness, lifestyle and nutrition guides.
That means reduced symptoms, increased productivity in the workplace and a complete understanding of your hormone power.
Our 5-month study with 28 women proves the symptom-reduction, mood and motivation gains our women see by moving in line with their hormones
Accessible expert courses on: symptom reduction; hormones and productivity; the 4 menstrual cycle phases and more.
Choose a course to suit your business and goal: Perimenopause in the workplace; symptom reduction; constructive conversations and more.
Choose a course to suit your business and goal: Perimenopause in the workplace; symptom reduction; constructive conversations and more.
Accessible expert courses on: symptom reduction; hormones and productivity; the 4 menstrual cycle phases and more.
“It’s amazing to see how the recommendations change across my cycle and how they really do echo the way I feel in my body and how motivated I am.”
“I've never seen anything like it before. It makes you feel listened to as a woman and that it’s normal for your cycle to affect your life.”
“This is the first time I have followed a women’s fitness programme and not felt guilty about taking a rest day. I understand why and I feel good for taking it!”